For more than two years, on and off, we have been guiding the people of ComAp through the Agile Transformation. We would like to introduce it to you from different perspectives. That’s why we decided to create a series of articles in which we interview one key person involved in this transformation at a time.
We’ve been through a lot together. Several groups of managers and specialists from ComAp went through a set of workshops with RainFellows to (re)start the agile approach (RainFellows Transformation Starter Pack), then the Agile Transformation of a pilot team and since then we have been working together through regular mentoring and thematic problem-solving workshops. The collaboration has been ongoing since April 2020 until today.

About ComAp
ComAp is originally a Czech technology company based in Prague. It delivers highly flexible and intuitive products in the field of smart control systems and controllers and is a global leader in its field. Over 400 employees take care of their hundreds of products.
“Whenever I come to ComAp I feel great! I am with people who are smart, active, and always searching for a solution. They trust to each other which allows me to focus on good rather than on bad. I enjoy the absence of ego – ComAp is place where WE is more than I.” Libor Mertl, Founder, Board member

The transformation process from different perspectives
“We primarily solved the problem that we have a lot of projects, the projects are growing, it’s messy, no one really knows what everyone is working on. Two years ago, we started experimenting with the Spotify model – we split teams into Tribes that were responsible for part of the product portfolio. We were looking for more answers in the SAFe methodology and I was looking for someone to help us with that. And that’s how the collaboration started.”
“We needed some really unbiased facilitators who have experience in dealing with Agile topics. And I think that need for an external, unbiased person is really important. Because there was always someone taking that role and projecting their personal needs and expectations. That’s why we decided to go with you RainFellows.”
“I’m delighted that we’ve helped ComAp to bring Product and Delivery significantly closer together so that they now look at everything solely from a ‘we’ perspective. It may not sound like much, but it’s a huge change that has moved them massively forward. So instead of fighting internally, they’re directing their efforts outwards and can focus on the challenges of the marketplace, of which there are currently enough for everyone.”
Let us know!
Are you interested in this transformation and the way we work? Would you like to see if we could help your company too?
Get in touch, I’d be happy to discuss the details with you informally and let’s see if we can help you too.